Application For Admission

Complete la siguiente información. Este es el segundo paso en el proceso de admisión. Esperamos ayudarte ha alcanzar tus metas. Gracias por elegir a SimPilot Peru S.A. Este formulario es procesado por un Servidor Seguro. Un Asesor de Admisión revisará su aplicación y se contactará con Usted.

  • El formulario debe ser completado en ingles, ya que sera revisado por la escuela de pilotos en Estados Unidos.
  • En caso de requerir asistencia para completar el formulario contactarnos:  Oficina: +51-1-7068405 Celular: +51-1-960893436

Please complete the following information. This is the second step in the admissions process. We look forward to helping you reach your career goals. Thank you for choosing SimPilot Peru S.A. (Agent). The form below is sent through a Secure Server. An Admissions Officer will review your application and contact you. Privacy Policy.

Personal Information


High School
Graduate School

Programs and Courses

Previous Flying Experience

Note: If you have received prior flight training at a Part141 school please provide a certified transcript of training. Credit will be awarded when records are audited by our chief Flight Instructor.
In Case of an Emergency, Please Contact:

Proof of U.S. Citizenship (U.S. citizens and nationals only):

An individual must present either of the following documents:
To be admitted ALL students must:

1. Complete application

2. Send
• Copy of driver license
• Pilot licenses (if applicable)
• Copy of passport
• Copy of high school or college transcript.
• Current FAA medical certificate
• The last two pages of log book (if applicable)

3. Include non-refundable registration fee of $150.00. International students must: 4. Send copy of health/accident insurance
• Financial letter of affidavit support
• Visa (if applicable)
• 1-20 form (if applicable)
• I-94 form (if applicable)
• Non-refundable international fee of $500.00

Note: International students must have their license and ratings translated into English language.


I have received and acknowledge the contents of the school catalog required to obtain admission to SimPilot Peru S.A. (Agent) and register for the courses that I have requested. I understand that withholding information requested in this application or given false information may make me ineligible for admission. I certify that the above statements are correct and complete.


If you are under 18 years of age, the application must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.

consents to his/her application for admission at SimPilot Peru S.A. (Agent)

Credit Card Payment Information

Credit Card Authorization